660mm turning dia, 983mm turning length, max dist b.c. 1,347mm, ±210mm Y-axis, C-axis 0.001º on both spindles, 3,000rpm spindle speed, 90mm bar cap, main spindle 22kW, 12,000rpm turn/mill spindle, +/-120º on B-axis milling spindle, milling power 18.5kW, 100-stn toolchanger, Capto C6 milling spindle, sub-spindle speed 3,000rpm, hydraulic steady, coolant, tool setter, hobbing function to spindle 1, Fanuc F31iA5 control.POA Category: Machining centres Seller's location: Leicester, UK To see the seller's contact details please use the contact form below. The seller confirmed the item was still for sale on: 3 Dec 2024