Steven Mooney Machinery


Used and new machines recently added

Used 5C Collet chuck to suit SLX/RLX425 (4641) Used 5C Collet chuck to suit SLX/RLX425 (4641)
Used 5C Collet chuck to suit SLX/RLX425, D1-8 camlock fitting. (Incomplete, rear drawbar is not available)
Universal Bed Milling CORREA A20/35. Digital Heidenhain, travels 3,100 x 1,000 x 1,000mm Universal Bed Milling CORREA A20/35. Digital Heidenhain, travels 3,100 x 1,000 x 1,000mm

Milling - NC/CNC
MORI SEIKI SL-153SY 5-Axis CNC Lathe MORI SEIKI SL-153SY 5-Axis CNC Lathe
With Collet Chuck, Sub-Spindle, Gantry Loader, MSG -501 (Fanuc) Control. Year 2001. (Choice of 4). Ref 30058
Lathes - CNC
RHODES RF60 Power Press RHODES RF60 Power Press

Presses and drop stamps
Horizontal Boring JUARISTI MDR110 Horizontal Boring JUARISTI MDR110
Digital, milling head, cross 2,000mm, vertical 1,800mm
HARDINGE BRIDGEPORT XV 710 Vertical Machining Centre (2008) HARDINGE BRIDGEPORT XV 710 Vertical Machining Centre (2008)
Siemens 810d control, table 760mm x 420mm, X-axis 711mm, Y-axis 457mm, Z-axis 457mm, rapids 30m/min, spindle 8,000rpm, BT40, 7.5kW, 20-position ATC (7sec tool to tool)
Machining centres
COLCHESTER Triumph VS 2500 Gap Bed Centre Lathe COLCHESTER Triumph VS 2500 Gap Bed Centre Lathe
Swing over bed 400mm, swing in gap 585mm, distance between centres 1,250mm. Ex MoD. Excellent condition
Lathes - general
FANUC Robodrill T21i D With Nikken 4th & 5th Axis CNC Drill/Tap Machine FANUC Robodrill T21i D With Nikken 4th & 5th Axis CNC Drill/Tap Machine
Year 2004. Fanuc 16I-MB control, table size 650 x 400mm, traverses X Y Z: 500 x 400 x 330mm, spindle speed 10-10,000rpm, 21-station ATC, spindle taper BT30, rapid traverse 54m/min, distance between spindle nose to table 150-480mm,...
Machining centres
Universal Grinding JONES & SHIPMAN 1300X Universal Grinding JONES & SHIPMAN 1300X
Year 2005. Internal spindle, tooling, capacity 700 x 254mm
HEXAGON Metrology Global Lite CNC CMM HEXAGON Metrology Global Lite CNC CMM
1,650 x 850mm granite bed, 820mm between columns, Hexagon probe & holder with PC, software & HH-C-V2.1 control (2022)
Used 5C Collet chuck, D1-6 camlock fitting (4660) Used 5C Collet chuck, D1-6 camlock fitting (4660)
Used 5C Collet chuck, D1-6 camlock fitting, key operated, complete with 10 off collects (Fits XYZ SLX1630 & XYZ SLX355)
With Fanuc OT control, swing 920 x 4,000mm between centres. C/w 2x steadies, swarf conveyor
Lathes - CNC
Aquablast 1515 Wet Blasting Cabinet (2011) Aquablast 1515 Wet Blasting Cabinet (2011)
Aquablast 1515 Wet Blasting Cabinet (2011) Width 1500mm Depth 1350mm Height 1023mm Turn Table Max Load on turn table 50kg New Gloves Foot Pedal Year of Manufacture 2011 Type AB 1515 Serial Number 347
Shotblasting (Wanted)
WALTON 2,500mm x 3mm DD Guillotine WALTON 2,500mm x 3mm DD Guillotine
R.b.g., p.b.g., rear enclosure. 2004 m/c. £6,250
Sheet metal-working
HURCO VMX42Mi Vertical Machining Centre with MAX Control HURCO VMX42Mi Vertical Machining Centre with MAX Control
Spindle speed 10,000rpm, Hurco Big Plus BBT40, swarf conveyor. Year 2014
Private Treaty
2020 DOOSAN DNM 5700. Fanuc control 2020 DOOSAN DNM 5700. Fanuc control

Machining centres
2014. Haas control, travels X=762mm, Y=406mm, Z=508mm, 12,000rpm max spindle speed, BT40 taper, table size 914 x 356mm
Machining centres
Promecam PPH 25-Ton x 1,200mm Press Brake Promecam PPH 25-Ton x 1,200mm Press Brake

Sheet metal-working
WALTON 1250 x 3mm DD Guillotine WALTON 1250 x 3mm DD Guillotine
Ex BAE. £3,750
Sheet metal-working
COLCHESTER Student 1800 13in x 25in Straight Bed Centre Lathe COLCHESTER Student 1800 13in x 25in Straight Bed Centre Lathe

Lathes - general

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